The last letters of Theodor Herzl


May 13, (1904)  Franzensbad

To Plehwe: Your Excellency:
I have the honor to communicate the following facts to you. Quite recently I put my friend Dr. Katzenelson of Libau in touch with a very important American banker on Zionist business. On this occasion M. Katzenelson learned certain things which, in my humble opinion, would be rather interesting to the Imperial Government. I have advised my friend, who came here from London to give me a report about his conversation, to request an audience with Y.E. immediately. M. Katzenelson, whom Your Excellency knows, is modest and retiring, and is afraid of importuning you. If it were not for my shattered health, I would have wired your Your Excellency and requested an audience for myself — so much do I believe that this matter could assume importance in your hands.

If MK is granted an audience, he will at the same time give the reasons why have still not been able to go to Constantinople for negotiations with the Ottoman govt. Begging Y.E. for your continued benevolence, and with the expression of my high regard.


Th. Herzl.

At the same time I am writing to the hesitant Katzenelson. For Katzenelson had reported to me that J. H. Schiff would be prepared to negotiate a Russian loan (strange to say, at the request of Lord Lansdowne and the English government), provided that something were done for the Jews in Russia. But it is understood that this good deed would also have to bring him (Schiff) more than the standard rate of interest. To that Katzenelson had replied: What we need has been formulated by Dr. Herzl in his conversation with Plehwe. Schiff then asked for my “points,” as he wanted to place them before the King of England with whom he was going to have an audience; Katzenelson gave him the points and brought me a copy here.

May 14, (1904) Franzensbad

To Lippay:

My very dear Friend: Unless I am mistaken, you told me that Archduke Eugen was interested in our cause and would be willing to see me. I have just learned that he is coming to Carlsbad within the next few days. Would you inform him that I shall be taking the cure here until the beginning of July and would go to Carlsbad at his request at anytime? Once more, good luck for your journey to Rome. From your kind letter of yesterday I see with regret that you are financially embarrassed again. I am sincerely sorry that I can’t place more at your disposal now than I already have. It would be a different matter if you could achieve something definite for us in Constantinople. Then I could draw amply on our movement’s funds for your benefit, and you will believe that I would not lack the heart and the amicable disposition for it. With cordial regards and sincere devotion,


May 14, FranzensbadTo Suzzara:

My Dear Mr. Section Head:It will probably be a few weeks before I have patched up my heart a bit here, since it is in need of repair. But as I may now assume a friendly interest in the Zionist cause on your part, I wouldn’t want to wait until my return to Vienna to draw your attention to a few things. Count Goluchowski was kind enough to promise me his assistance if the matter were great enough to warrant concerted action on the part of the Powers. Consequently, Turkey would have to be asked for a settlement area in Palestine and the vicinity large enough for five to six million Jews. For various  reasons Count Goluchowski does not care to place himself at the head of this campaign for the time being. He would prefer it if the initiative came from England. If some steps were taken by England, Count Goluchowski would fall into line; and I was in a position to show him a secret document from the Russian government, addressed to me, which indicates that Russia too will follow the English initiative. Similarly, the consent of Germany and Italy may already be regarded as assured. I shall show you, my dear Mr. Section Head, all these confidential documents. The question now is how the whole thing may be formulated diplomatically. I made the following draft, which met with Count Goluchowski’s approval. Through one of the institutions which we founded some years ago to prepare for this eventuality, the Jewish Colonial Trust of London, a Land Company with sufficient capital will be created. We are already assured of the participation of leading bankers in England and America in this venture. This Land Company undertakes the settlement of the previously mentioned territories, and handles the administration, under the sovereignty of the Sultan. The Land Company pays an annual tribute, amount to be determined, to the Turkish treasury and covers itself by collecting the taxes. Those settled by the Land Company will become Turkish subjects. The Holy Places will be declared extraterritorialized. The Sanjak of Acre is envisioned as the staging area for the settlement. These, roughly, are the main features. Since Baron Calice is in Vienna at present, it would probably be of the greatest value to inform him and enlist his active sympathy. Likewise, it would be of the greatest benefit to brief Count Mensdorff now for dealing with Lord Lansdowne where, as far as I gather from his conversations with the Lord, he is likely to find smooth sailing. I really don’t know to what extent I may be bothering you with these suggestions. My excuse is the very friendly reception with which you have gratified and honored me. Pray accept, my dear Mr. Section Head, the expressions of my deepest respect. Your devoted servant,

Th. Herzl.

May 16, (1904) Franzensbad.

To Schiff:

Dear Mr. Schiff :

My friend Dr. Katzenelsohn came here from London and told me of the extremely friendly reception you accorded him. Permit me to thank you most warmly for this. Dr. K. also told me that he gave you a copy of my confidential instructions, an action I belatedly sanction, since I have absolute confidence in your discretion.This entire matter is and must remain secret, particularly as far as the gentlemen of the I.C.A. are concerned. For the present, anything may be expected from this quarter sooner than a readiness to help. Certainly there are some excellent people among the directors of the I.C.A.; but as a body they have hitherto always shown themselves hostile whenever we have suggested truly great measures to meet a truly great need. I don’t know why these gentlemen prefer to fritter away the Hirsch money in numerous petty and purposeless undertakings which represent anything but Jewish colonization. If it weren’t for the fact that our masses are perishing in misery and filth while a remedy remains unutilized, one might really make humorous reflections about it. E.g.: The greatest enemy of a last will and testament is its executor. Or this: Hirsch’s relatives now at least have the satisfaction of knowing that the poor Jews aren’t getting anything out of his money either. Actually, I long ago stopped dwelling on the I.C.A. and its blunders. The gentlemen will come running after us when they are no longer needed.You are now acquainted with my line of thinking from Dr. K. and my letter.(He did not complete writing the letter – the end)

The last letters of Theodor Herzl

Ahed Tamimi attacking Zionist soldiers.

 The Tamimi family are always looking to make sensational dramas that would propel them to fame and fortune. They got lucky this time around. An IDF soldier attacked the Tamimi boy and the entire family came to his rescue – except the father – who stood on the sidelines and just watched – except for a 10 second period where he pretended to help and immediately left leaving his own family in extreme danger. No other father in the world would have abandoned his family at such a dangerous time while fighting an armed Zionist. The reason why he chose to stay away was because he was thinking how much more sensational the video would be if only women were fighting the soldier. When asked why he stayed away, he replied by saying that had he remained at the scene assisting his family that he was worried he might escalate the situation and he said he worried the soldiers might start shooting. What utter nonsense. The Tamimi family makes their living acting for the cameras and they in fact make a good living.

The fake actress knew she could be outrageously out of control and suffer no consequences because she knows the Zionists are not stupid enough to strike back while the event was being recorded by hundreds of cameras.  The only thing this fake blond wants to achieve is stardom,  the more sensational the video is the more her fame.

The bleached blond gained fame and stardom when her mother videotaped her flexing her 11-year old fists at the Zionist soldiers.  She was reciting what her mother told her to say and the Zionist soldiers were laughing at her and being entertained by her. Courage? While her mother was only 1 foot away videotaping her daughter’s acting performances?  C’mon!

The silly actress needs to understand what the Zionist would do to her if there were no cameras.

Here is the bleached blond being interviewed and what we see is that she speaks very softly, very timid, nervous and scared. But when she feels she is on stage performing like her interview when she came out of jail, she can look to be very courageous, confident, loud and obnoxious.  Which one is the real Ahed? Of course, the timid and shy one. She is a very good actress. 



The bleached blond b-tch gained her fame by bleaching her hair blond.

Ahed Tamimi attacking Zionist soldiers.